Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I confess: When in doubt, pretend you don't speak the language.

I was taking my mid-day pass around the blog-o-sphere and saw Miss. Cuervo was doing some confessing at the behest of her bestie Catalyn.  Ladies and gents, not only is that reason enough for me, but that is how I make a shout out.  Golf claps.  I confess that I am horrible with not talking over people I find boring especially at parties, spending boatloads on bar tabs, and over-sharing in inappropriate contexts (blogging included).  I confess that I really enjoying being alone and often have to come up with conflicting events and plans to truly effectuate it.  I confess to having some serious Christopher Walken in Annie Hall thoughts, though not in the 'take-it-to-fruition' sense.  I confess to hating cats, owls and macaroons, which I think basically means my blogging membership is revoked? I confess to returning, re-gifting and generally disregarding most presents I receive.  I confess to not telling a single person I know that I started a blog for fear of questions, comments and general disapproval.  I confess that the above makes me basically an enormous wimp with an unhealthy obsession with aged balsamic vinegar (whoa, double confession). I confess to applauding when my boyfriend told me that our mutual friend broke up with his long-term girlfriend. further confess that when she emailed me last week, I waited three days to respond.  Phew, what a relief.


  1. Love this post! I have to confess I'm also a total over-sharer and cat hater :)


    1. amaze!! digging your cockroach story in like, the most and least literal way possible. xo A

  2. Hahaa these are awesome! I ESP like your honesty about cats, owls, and macaroons :) thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks for having me! Sorry for the delayed response, I have been wayyyyy off my blogging game :)

  3. I confess to agreeing with you on pretty much everything you said. I too hate cats, I didn't share my blog with people (even my mother) for fear of looking like an idiot in front of those that I actually know, I make-up excuses ALL THE TIME to get out of social commitments, and I secretly wish for break-ups. Well said, as usual.

    1. "I confess to agreeing with you" is to my ears! How's it going?!? I've been unblogged for like a full week now!

  4. I haven't told many people I know about my blog either, on a select few know about it!

  5. Every time I read your blog-I love you even more! We are kindred spirits. I spend boatloads on bar tabs, start talking over people when I get bored, and in general, I over-share when it is not appropriate to do so. I am not into cats, birds of any kind (thanks Alfred Hitchcock), nor do I like macaroons! And last, but certainly not least, I am on the unhealthy obsession with balsamic vinegar bus as well!

    On a separate, unrelated note-Happy Valentine's Day!


    Erin @

    1. Hi, I am obsessed with you!!!! Can we talk about the lendperk love? Is that blogger appropriate? Obvi shout outs will be forthcoming!

      xo A

  6. I don't tell many about my blog either - I never told my family, they found out about it on their own and now check up on it all the time, which I will confess, makes me feel uncomfortable. Brilliant post - I have re-gifted - mainly giftcards to places like the The Cracker Barrel or Old Country Buffet...haha - I hate those places. Thanks for stopping by my blog :-) Following you too.

    1. Woohoo, follow buddies! I once went to a Cracker Barrel to use the bathroom when I was like, 13, coming home from a soccer tournament. I had never been to one before and that country store was like a magical trip to MARS for a NYC gal. I got all these ceramic knobs that are on my makeup vanity at my parents house to this day! HA.

  7. Awh love the shout out! I also hate cats and as you can tell from my confession I am an over-sharer as well. Especially after a few cocktails!I also hide the fact I have a blog from my family!

    1. All I am seeing here is 'a few cocktails' and I am already rumaging through my unhealthily large liquor cabinet. It's a late 80's model, built into the wall. Class.


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