Pg. 41, Maniac: "Naturally I assumed as any citizen would reads the papers and watches TV would, that these were the sounds of suspects being beaten under interrogation by brutal country copppers. All to clearly now I can see how mistaken my impressions were; those shrieks I heard were shrieks of laughter, the screams were screams of merriment and mirth accompanied by thigh slapping convulsions of humorous hysteria."
Awesome passage!
check it out, it is among my favorite plays.
Deletethanks for swingin' by :)
Oooh, that sounds really interesting! Thanks for sharing and thanks for giving me a shout out lovely! :)
ReplyDeleteI am totally into this link-up so thanks for the introduction! When I am in book shops, this is basically my second-step after skimming the back, why wouldn't it make an awesome series?!