Wednesday, January 16, 2013

wintery mix.

Follow on Bloglovin do you know what a 'wintery mix' is?  its grotesque, that's what.  but that doesn't stop me from drinking sangria and reading porn to the blind, mainly just the first.  that's a joke, relaxi-taxi.  get it? i'm in a cab, like right now.  gosh, the internet just really doesn't get me.

fortunately, when i arrive to where i am going there will be a lot of alcohol.
(e.g. the cab isn't going backward, i'm just considering whether it might be)

what is a time-space continuum she wondered, shortly after calculating her WW points
(yup, im having that extra pitcher of 'gria)
how embarrassing, they hired us both.  
the call sheet merely said: "gratuitousness" 
so you can understand our facial expression.

Oh, so that fake advert above wasn't the most embarrassing thing I posted today.  Kudos me.
seriously, how did my legs get there, that's ridiculous.

navy velvet beret, mr. john jr. (thrifted) // navy blazer, nanette lapore (bloomingdales) // aztec skirt, urban outfitters (a million years ago) // pussy bow button down, marc jacobs (also a million years ago) // navy tights, simply vera (vera wang for kohls) // navy wedge sneaks, isabel toledo (payless) 


  1. I love your style! Your beret is so chic and I love you Nanette Lepore blazer.

  2. You're so funny. Wintery mix is by far my least favorite weather. It's a bit like that here in Massachusetts today, but it's not too grim...I really like your hat!

    <3 Melissa

  3. It`s very nice your beret..

  4. Love the beret, you look gorgeous!

  5. glad you aren't letting the dreadful weather getting you down, you look adorable!
    Chic on the Cheap


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